100% Iberian breed cut acorn shoulder...
Acorn-fed Iberico Shoulder "CERTIFIED WITH 100% IBERIAN BLACK LABEL" You can buy it whole, boneless or cut manually and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams, with their respective bones and cubes. 100% natural without preservatives or colorants
Acorn-fed Iberico Shoulder "CERTIFIED WITH 100% IBERIAN BLACK LABEL" You can buy it whole, boneless or cut manually and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams, with their respective bones and cubes. 100% natural without preservatives or colorants
Acorn-fed Iberico Shoulder "CERTIFIED WITH 100% IBERIAN BLACK LABEL" You can buy it whole, boneless or cut manually and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams, with their respective bones and cubes. 100% natural without preservatives or colorants
100% Iberian breed cut acorn shoulder case for only *Contains- 15 100gr palette sachets- 1 envelope of 100gr cubes- chopped bonesIdeal so that a good serving of acorns is not missing at home or as a gift due to its case format and quality
Envelopes of 100% Iberian acorn-fed shoulder "black seal", for a gourmet palateformat: 100grSHOULDER SHOULDER FROM A PURE-BRED IBERIAN PIG FED WITH ACORN AND GRASS IN FREEDOM