100% Iberian breed cut acorn shoulder case for only *Contains- 15 100gr palette sachets- 1 envelope of 100gr cubes- chopped bonesIdeal so that a good serving of acorns is not missing at home or as a gift due to its case format and quality
Bait palette case 50% cut Iberian breed*Contains- 15 units 100gr palette sachets- 1 envelope of 100gr cubes- chopped bonesIdeal so that there is no shortage of a good portion at home or as a gift due to its format in a case
Selection cured ham. Minimum curing 20 months Sales format: PIECE 6.5 A 7KG Coming from intensively reared pigs, fed on cereals and legumes (wheat, corn, barley, broad beans, etc). You can buy it as a whole piece, boned or cut manually and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams.
LARGE SELECTION PALETTE Pieces of approximately 4,400 to 4,700kg. From pigs raised in an intensive regime, fed with cereals and legumes (wheat, corn, barley, beans, etc.). You can purchase it as a whole piece, boned or manually cut and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams.
CEBO 50% IBERIAN SHOULDER, CERTIFIED QUALITY (WHITE SEAL) PIECES FROM 4,500 TO 5KG WITHOUT PRESERVATIVES OR ADDITIVES. From Iberian pigs raised intensively, fed cereals and legumes (wheat, corn, barley, beans, etc.). You can purchase it as a whole piece, boned or manually cut and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams.
Loin made with Iberian acorn dam. Very tasty and juicy product due to the quality and specific characteristics of the lean one obtained. Sales format: pieces of approximately 400gr.
Interesting offer, while supplies of virgin olive oil last. From TENTUDIA (Badajoz) 5 L bottle sales format
Authentic acorn-fed Iberian chorizo "Oro Viejo" with great quality and flavor. It is a gourmet product, made with the best lean pork and with a totally homemade dressing 1/2 pieces of approximately 400gr or whole piece of 650gr
Iberian acorn-fed bacon Extremaduran product In pieces of approximately 400gr
Iberian ham bait case 50% cut Iberian breed *Contains - 28 envelopes of 100g ham - 1 envelope of 100g taquito - Chopped bone Ideal so that there is no shortage of a good portion at home or as a gift due to its format in a case
Sheep cheese made with raw milk. With great flavor, spicy and intense nuances. Traditional flavor SALE FORMAT: PIECE OF 800 GE APPROX *WITHOUT DYE OR PRESERVATIVES
Mixed old reserve cheese, spread in olive oil, with an intense flavor, with spicy touches that are pleasant to the palate. Weight: 1,200gr approx. and 0.550gr.
Compact and brittle cheese. Its flavour is soft. Sheep are from Lacaune breed and cheese is made in the same farm. - WHOLE 1.900 kg APROX, PRESENTATION INDIVIDUAL BOX - 1/2 PIECE 1,000 kg APROX, PRESENTATION INDIVIDUAL BOX - 1/4 PIECE 0.500 kg APROX
GREAT SELECTION HAM Pieces of approximately 7,500 to 8kg. From pigs raised in an intensive regime, fed on cereals and legumes (wheat, corn, barley, beans, etc.). You can purchase it as a whole piece, boned or manually cut and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams.
IBERIAN CHORIZO MORCONITO Sausages like those before pieces of 400 gr approx
This acorn-fed Iberian salchichón is carefully handcrafted, resulting in a rich and savory flavor that's perfect for any charcuterie board or tapas. Its intense flavor and aroma make it a popular choice for those seeking an authentic culinary experience. IT IS GLUTEN AND LACTOSE FREE. Pack of two units, approximately 450g, vacuum-packed.
This acorn-fed Iberian chorizo is gluten- and lactose-free, making it perfect for people with dietary restrictions. Made from a blend of lean and fatty pork, sweet and sour paprika, and a perfect combination of spices, this chorizo offers a bold and robust flavor that is sure to delight your palate. Packs of 2 pieces, approximately 450g, vacuum-packed.
Honey made with a completely handmade process based on nectar that bees collect in the Sierra de Aracena, located in the Natural Park of Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche. *Sales format: you can choose between boats with an approximate weight of 500gr, 1kg, 2kg and 5kg. INGREDIENTS: pure honey
OFFERS IN HAM TROZES Ham taquitos, perfect for cooking (salmorejo, croquettes, Frenchtortillas, etc ...) or to take it as an appetizer. FORMAT: Bag of 100 gr
Envelopes of 100% Iberian acorn-fed shoulder "black seal", for a gourmet palateformat: 100grSHOULDER SHOULDER FROM A PURE-BRED IBERIAN PIG FED WITH ACORN AND GRASS IN FREEDOM
Sausage made with Iberian pork meat and fat. The Choricito Serrano is a traditional product from our Sierra de Aracena, specially designed for use in the kitchen, either consumed as such, grilled, or as an ingredient in stews, stews, does not contain gluten*Sales format: pack of 2 jabuguitos with an approx. of 180g.
50% Iberian ham CEBO DE CAMPO, Pork ham raised in semi-freedom with natural food and cereals *Sale format: sachets of ham weighing 100 gr
Acorn-fed Iberian BaconCenter strips of salted and washed acorn-fed Iberian bacon with natural maturation. ideal for preparing an appetizer cotada finita, as well as for cooking it Colour: White with marbled red veiningSalty flavorScent: LongPalate: Juicy Sales format: Pieces of approximately 400gr. Does not contain gluten or lactose
Queso "sudao", a very famous goat in the south of Extremadura and the cool Sierra de Aracena for its incomparable but creamy texture and intense flavor. Made with raw Serrana and Retinta goat milk, it has a natural crust and an intense aroma. *Sales format: 1/2 piece of approximately 450gr and whole piece of approximately 0.900gr
Made with the best lean Iberian acorn-fed Iberian pork. After a process of seasoning with black pepper, natural spices, its natural casing is made of pork gut, so its curing is slow and handmade. Made in natural casing, does not contain gluten * Sales format: you can buy it in half pieces (500 gr approx) or in whole pieces (1Kg approx).
100% Iberian Bellota Ham, from Iberian pigs fed in the mountains with chestnuts, wild herbs and mainly ACORN. *Sales format: 100% Iberian Bellota Ham in 100g envelopes
Loin made with Iberian acorn dam. Very tasty and juicy product due to the quality and specific characteristics of the lean one obtained. Sales format: pieces of approximately 400gr.
Acorn-fed Iberian ham red label. "50% IBERIAN RED SEAL CERTIFICATE" You can buy it as a whole piece, boned or cut manually and vacuum packed in packages of approximately 100 grams. with their respective bones and taquitos.
100% Iberian breed cut acorn shoulder case for only *Contains- 15 100gr palette sachets- 1 envelope of 100gr cubes- chopped bonesIdeal so that a good serving of acorns is not missing at home or as a gift due to its case format and quality
OLD CHEESE SHEEP WITH 14 MONTHS OF CURED APROX.. Gran Reserva cheese made with Raw Sheep Milk and Aged in Olive Oil. With Intense flavor and spicy Touch. It is shipped vacuum packed. SALES FORMAT: 1/2 PIECE OF 1,400 kg approx OR 1/4 PIECE OF 700 GR APPROX *NO COLORING OR PRESERVATIVES
Sheep cheese made with raw milk. With great flavor, spicy and intense nuances. Traditional flavor SALE FORMAT: PIECE OF 800 GE APPROX *WITHOUT DYE OR PRESERVATIVES
Don Rogelio's Patés are made in an artisanal way with recipes from the Sierra de Aracena and with the best raw material. Its flavor and unmistakable textures make it a great success at any meeting. Ideal for preparing delicious snacks Six different flavours: Fine herbs, Pedro Ximénez, Classic, White pepper, Loin cane and Iberian ham 80GR UNIT FORMAT
En La Trastienda de Jabugo encontrarás la mejor selección de productos de la Sierra de Aracena y sur de Extremadura, productos artesanales elaborados con cerdos ibéricos. Disfruta de nuestro jamón ibérico de bellota o del inconfundible sabor del jamón de Jabugo. Prueba los embutidos ibéricos y quesos artesanales de la zona, nuestros patés artesanos, cremas y licores, los productos gourmet, lotes y mucho más. Somos especialistas en jamón ibérico, quesos artesanales y productos de la sierra y sur de Extremadura. Visita nuestra tienda online y disfruta del inconfundible sabor de los auténticos productos ibéricos.
In La Trastienda de Jabugo you will find the best selection of products from the Sierra de Aracena and Extremadura, handmade products made with Iberian pigs. Enjoy our Iberian acorn-fed ham or the unmistakable flavor of Jabugo ham. Try the Iberian cold meats and local artisan cheeses, our craft pates, creams and liqueurs, gourmet products, lots and much more. We specialize in Iberian ham, artisan cheeses and products from the mountains. Visit our online store and enjoy the unmistakable taste of authentic Iberian products.
Sentimos las molestias pero debido a la gran acumulación de trabajo nos hemos visto obligados a deshabilitar temporalmente la opción de cortado y envasado al vacío.